Friday, November 22, 2013


1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2. a.  What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
          This meets the three rules because it is not a yes or no question, it is specific, and it allows you take a side by having a single or multiple answers.
 b.  What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?\
          This EQ did not meet the three rule requirement. The EQ is not specific enough when mentioning the terms such as "criminal investigation" and "securing a conviction".
 c.  What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
          This EQ does not meet the three rule because it is worded in a way that makes it sound out of the ordinary and that it does not flow. Also there is not a lot of research that can be done for the discover of the answer to this question.
 d.  How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain? 
          This meets the three rules because it is specific, it can have multiple answers that can give people a side to take and a lot of research can be done with this kind of EQ.

3.What is the most important factor when designing and building a "green" building?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November: Extra Blog

This month during my internship I saw and was introdiced ro some very old drawings and blueprints that were created from 1980-early 2000's. When looking at the details of these drawings you can see the lines that may have took the architect days to complete. This was a great skill for an architect to master and to be able to do as well as these drawings. As technology advances the need to hand draw these types of sketches was greatly reduced and now-a-days computers create the images that you see before you.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October: Extra Blog

         Throughout this month I spent some time doing different things from sorting blueprints to going to actual job sites and seeing what made them unique in their own way. There will be more chances for me to explore new topics and new ideas as i continue to do my internship at CEDG.
          When I was sorting through the blueprints, they ranged from nonprofits to residential units. I saw what a real blueprint and asked questions to clarify any confusion that I had when trying to understand the blueprints. The blueprints from having only certain rooms to the entire building and property. from arieal views to side views to a front view, the blueprints were a great way for me to familiarize myself with what the final product of blueprints are.
          When looking at the previous job sites all of them were different but were yet the same. All of the sites had their own unique technology or characteristics that make them either important or "green". From a superbuilding to a reconstruction on a college.This helped with seeing the blueprints becoming a reality. I could understand what some terms meant and how they affected the building as well as the construction or reconstruction of a building.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Research and Working EQ

1). My working EQ is "What is the most important factor when designing and building a "green" building?"

2).EQ: What is the most important factor when designing and building a "green" building?

  • The location will play a drastic role in the efficiency of the building. an architect can use the sun as a natural light source to light up the building. Also being able to have the sun come into the building during winter for heat and the ability to block the sun during a was summer day.
  • The type of building that an architect is designing will also affect what types of green methods you will and can add to the building. For example, a 30 story building must be more careful on their thermostat because the the business will use more energy faster because of its mere size compared to a one or two story home.

3). The most important source that I have used to help me answer the EQ so far has been my 18th source. This source talks about the different challenges that different buildings encounter when trying to be designed green or trying to be converted into a green building. This source also has a Works Cited which can be helpful for me to find new research. To check out the PDF click here.

4). My mentor is Erik Peterson who is an architect for a small firm named Claremont Environment Design Group (CEDG). CEDG as well as Mr. Peterson design and build eco-friendly/green buildings for businesses, non-profits, and cities. Having a mentor such as Mr. Peterson allows me to better answer my EQ throughout the year.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Independent Component 1 Approval

             For my Independent Component I am planning on creating a virtual buildings using programs at the architectural firm that I am currently doing my internship with. I plan to recreate a building for each of the major changes in architecture that have occurred since the 19th century. This will allow me to see what and how architecture changed according to the needs of the governments as well as the people. From this I am hoping on finding where architecture is going in the near future.To show the 30 hours that I have completed for this component I will show the senior team the 3D models of the buildings and other research that I have done regarding the specific architectural style that I have chosen to do the building. Doing this as an independent component will allow me to explore different types of architectural styles as well as familiarize myself with some of the latest architectural software programs being used by current professionals.

Monday, September 30, 2013

September: Extra Blog

               During my internship this month I was introduced and have done some research on numerous architects as well as some of the work they designed and created. One of the many that i have researched is Pierre Chareu. One of his most famous design is Maison de Verre, which translates to "House Of Glass" in French. A good video that familiarizes Mr. Chareu and his work was this YouTube video that was e-mailed to me by an architect that works in the architectural firm that I am currently during my internship in. I was also introduced to Frank Lloyd Wright who was one of the most famous architect during the 19th century. Wright had a very unique style as well as talent when designing buildings. On of Wright's most well known desogns are the "Prairie Schools" which were public buildings that pitched roofs and long rows of casement windows, employing only locally available materials and wood that was always unstained and unpainted, emphasizing its natural beauty.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Interview Questions

1.)  Who is your mentor and where do they work?
              Where I am currently doing my internship, I have made connections with two different individuals. Both are/and would make excellent mentors for this project
    -Eric Peterson: Currently working at Claremont Environment Design Group.
    -Lee Krusa: Currently working at Claremont Environment Design Group.

2.) What five questions will ask them about their background?
          I am still not sure who I will be interviewing but some questions that I will be asking will be:
                            -What made you want to become an architect?
                            -What has been the project you have enjoyed the most?
                            -How long have you worked with Claremont Environment Design Group?
                            -What universities did you attend and what degrees do you have?
                            -Did you work anywhere prior to Claremont Environment Design Group?
                            -If you had to describe architecture with one sentence what would it be?
                            -What is one goal you have for the next five years relating to architecture?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Blog 5

         1.) One positive thing that has happened as a result of what I have completed so far is that I now know more or less the routine of senior year with the research checks and what is expected from them as well as me in the classwork, homework, and projects.

         2.) A piece of research that had really helped improve my understanding of architecture of an online book that I came across my first research check. This book talks about architecture from the Egyptian times up to the modern times and how it was slowly developed into what we see in our everyday lives.

         3.) The thing that has worked for me so far in the year is that I have not procrastinated on any assignments which helps me with my time management. Also the class content has not been incredibly challenging which gives me more time for my research and topic.

         4.)The thing that has not worked so far is that rarely use my computer so I am afraid that I miss an important assignment because I may not be able to check the blog. Also some

         5.) I am planning of focus on "green" buildings or where the future of architecture is headed. I plan on studying where architecture cam from then start to move to green buildings and technology related to the concept.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

August: Extra Blog

            This month my extra blog will be about a quote that was said by Robert Watson, a senior scientist with the New York-based Natural Resources Defense Council, who advises the Chinese government on green construction. I came across this quote in an article about China and its attempt to build more efficient and more common eco-friendly/"green" buildings.

             The quote that Robert Watson said and emphasizes is, "“Green doesn't cost more; ‘new’ costs more, and this is still very new here.

            This quote could not be more correct because on average a "green" building can be more expense by about 2-5% an an ordinary building. This increase in the price is not necessarily because it is a "green" building but because the technology with creating "green" buildings is still new and it has not been perfected yet. Once the process of creating "green" buildings is more efficient and effective we may see that the "regular" buildings may be more expensive to build. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4:Interview Preparation

1). I plan to interview an architect, who works in Claremont and will become my new mentor because I am attempting to switch topics. I believe that interviewing him would give me a brief history and/or some information about architecture that would open my eyes about something that I did not know previously.

2). Some open-ended questions that I am planning to ask are:

  •  What interested you about architecture?
  • What college did you attend and what was your major and/or minor?
  • What made you want to become an architect?
  • What is the most interesting project you have worked on?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. My topic will be about architecture or the designing of buildings.

2.To show growth in each of the ESLRs this year I plan to:
  • iPoly Citizen: Being an iPoly citizen is or what can be considered an iPoly citizen is someone who gives back to iPoly by being involved in organizing clubs, dances, or events for the entire school. One example is by joining a variety of committees to help get the best result for all of the sales as well as events. I plan on becoming a better iPoly citizen by joining numerous committee to help the senior class and the school move forward.
  • Effective Learner: Being an effective learner is a person who is able to learn and truly understand a topic taught to them either being school related or not. One way to be an effective learner would be by asking questions when you have any. Asking questions may help you better grasp a certain topic and it may also clear up any inaccurate information. To be a more effective learner I plan to ask questions and also help my peers who may need some extra help. Teaching a topic can also help you learn a topic because you are practicing it regularly.
  • Effective User of Technology: Being an effective user of technology is someone who is able to use technology in order to make a task easier or more efficient. One simple yet perfect example would be a calculator. Calculators allow us to do all sorts of things to extremely large numbers that would other wise take full pages to accomplish. In order to be an effective user of technology I plan to use technology to my advantage so that I may not have to work as hard to get the same results. One way specifically by typing a rough draft on my laptop instead of writing it by hand because eventually I will have to type and print out my final draft.
  • Effective Communicator: Being an effective communicator means that you are able to communicate in a way to someone or an audience with ease so that the listener may understand what they are being told or asked. One characteristic of an effective communicator is asking questions and thoroughly explaining the topic. In order to be an effective communicator I plan on trying to new people and also take a leadership role in either a committee or a outside organization that I am involved with.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

2.) Salvador Uribe (909) 964-7483
3.) None.
4.) Precision: Being precise improves the chances of only having to do the job once. Not being precise may lead to a incomplete job that is a waste of time and money. Doing the job precisely may also improve the quality of the job, which will satisfy the customer and can possibly lead to more customers referred by the original customer.
     Prepared: Being prepared makes the process of completing the job more efficient as well as safer for everyone. Being prepared can make the difference of a two hour job from a ten hour job. Completing a job in a shorter amount of time can lead to happy customers and more jobs to be done.
     Networking: Knowing the right people can help improve the amount of work that you can get. Also if you encounter a problem during a job you can ask for help from others who may have encountered the same problem. Making you more precise and prepared for the next time.
5.) I took this summer as a chance to intern with my father, Salvador Uribe, to complete the hour requirement as well as to get an in depth feeling of what he did as a profession.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

2013 2-Hour Presentation Reflection

1.)I saw:
Hairdressing by Ana Barrera,
Karate by Rene,
Personal Training by Andrew,
Marine Biology by Elijah,
Stage Management by Gabriel,
Early Childhood education by Perla, 
Foster Care by Victoria, 
Physical Therapy by Elizabeth, 
System analysis by Brent, 
Photography by Austin, 
Special Olympics by Logan, 
Theoretical Physics by Hannah, 
Homeless Youth by Angel,
Graphic Design by Stephany.

2.)Is the order in which people present randomly generated or are they chosen?
Is there a limit of answers you can have to your essential question? What is the least amount and what is the greatest amount?
By when do you need to have your EQ done?
How many components are there in senior year?

3.) Each of the two hour presentations seem to revolve around the EQ and the answers that the person gave. 

4.) I am interested in doing something with computer science and/or mathematics. Mathematics has always been a subject that I have really enjoyed which makes it an ideal topic. Computer Science is interesting from the programming to making the robots (to some extent). Being hands on is something that I enjoy and am interested to learn more about.