Throughout this month I spent some time doing different things from sorting blueprints to going to actual job sites and seeing what made them unique in their own way. There will be more chances for me to explore new topics and new ideas as i continue to do my internship at CEDG.
When I was sorting through the blueprints, they ranged from nonprofits to residential units. I saw what a real blueprint and asked questions to clarify any confusion that I had when trying to understand the blueprints. The blueprints from having only certain rooms to the entire building and property. from arieal views to side views to a front view, the blueprints were a great way for me to familiarize myself with what the final product of blueprints are.
When looking at the previous job sites all of them were different but were yet the same. All of the sites had their own unique technology or characteristics that make them either important or "green". From a superbuilding to a reconstruction on a college.This helped with seeing the blueprints becoming a reality. I could understand what some terms meant and how they affected the building as well as the construction or reconstruction of a building.
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